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Using HeartSpeak to Shift Fatigue

Using HeartSpeak to Shift Fatigue

The prevalence of persistent fatigue in contemporary society poses a significant challenge to healthcare professionals, demanding a multifaceted approach to patient care. This interactive webinar seeks to explore and address the complex interplay between fatigue and unaddressed emotional burdens through the innovative HeartSpeak method. 

HeartSpeak, an approach in emotional wellness, serves as a tool in identifying and resolving the emotional underpinnings of physical symptoms such as fatigue. This webinar offers an introduction to a practical application of HeartSpeak, facilitating a transformative experience for participants, and promises to be a fascinating exploration into the intricate relationship between mind and body, particularly focusing on the role of emotional well-being in physical health. By experiencing and learning to apply the HeartSpeak method, attendees will not only be introduced to ways to enhance their therapeutic toolkit but also contribute to a more holistic and effective approach in treating persistent fatigue. Participants will leave with a renewed perspective on fatigue management and the importance of addressing emotional health as a key component in overall wellness.

Introduction to Persistent Fatigue and its Multidimensional Impacts 

  • Overview of fatigue: Definition, prevalence, and impacts on quality of life
  • Discussing the psychological vs. physiological perspectives on fatigue
  • Exploration of the correlation between emotional stress and fatigue

The HeartSpeak Method: A Therapeutic Approach

  • Introduction to HeartSpeak: Origins, principles, and its place in modern therapy
  • The science behind HeartSpeak: Understanding the neurobiological pathways

Interactive Session: Experiencing HeartSpeak 

  • Guided HeartSpeak session: Facilitator-led group experience
  • Reflection and discussion: Sharing experiences and insights

Closing Remarks and Q&A 

  • Summarising key takeaways 
  • Open forum for questions, clarifications, and professional dialogue
  • Resources for further learning and practice in HeartSpeak

About our presenter:  Dr Anne Jensen, DC, ICSSD, PGCert, PGDip, MSc, DPhil
Dr Anne Jensen is a highly accomplished and versatile professional in the field of psychology. With an extensive educational background, including a DPhil in Evidence-Based Healthcare and a Master's degree in Evidence-Based Social Interventions, both from the University of Oxford, Dr. Jensen has dedicated her career to the study of emotional wellbeing, stress detection, and stress reduction. 

With 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals and over 40 conference presentations, including numerous invited keynote addresses, she has made significant contributions to the field. Her research delves into innovative approaches for understanding and promoting emotional wellbeing, as well as developing effective strategies for stress detection and reduction. Dr. Jensen's expertise and insights have earned her recognition as a leading expert in the field of mindbody wellbeing, and her work continues to inspire and inform psychologists worldwide.

HeartSpeak website: 

Webinar timing: 1:00 – 2:00 pm AEST

Access to the recording of this webinar: A recording of this webinar will be available through the CPD Webinar Library, but for the best experience and the opportunity to ask your questions, join us live. Everyone who registers will be advised via email as soon as the recording is available. Members have unlimited access to the recording, and non-members will have access for 6 months.

Friday, 12 July 2024
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (AEST)
$0 - $30
1 CPD Points