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Deep investment in mental health needed

1 May 2024 

Peak psychology group The Australian Association of Psychologists said the Lifeline figures from the weekend paint an accurate yet bleak picture of the mental health crisis impacting Australia.

Executive Director Tegan Carrison said: 

"It is time for the Federal Government to invest deeply in the mental health of our country.  

"The ongoing discussion about gendered violence and the deaths of women occurring weekly are likely going to bring up much distress for those who have lived through something similar, or are going through it right now. Trauma is not “healed” within 10 arbitrary sessions, and we urge the government to reinstate the additional 10 sessions per calendar year for victims/survivors.

"We have clients telling us that they have to choose between therapy and paying rent, or space out their sessions to inadequate levels of care. A rebate of $150 per psychology session is a small ask that would make a big difference.

"This upcoming budget is an opportunity to put mental health on equal footing to physical health and make mental health care more affordable and accessible."

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