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AAPi in the Media - demands to reinstate 20 sessions

Posted on 24 January 2024

Today's Guardian highlights AAPi's call for additional psychology sessions to be reinstated, along with a higher Medicare rebate, in light of new statistics on suicide and self-harm released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare which showed higher figures in 2022 across New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria.

AAPi Director Carly Dober said: "Research tells us, overall, Australians are feeling more mental health distress than they were last year, and in the years before that.

“The cost of living has made more people financially stressed or strained and has made them … make difficult decisions about where their money goes with no real end in sight.

“Unfortunately, that means that people are either rationing their treatment … or it means that people are foregoing their sessions in general because they actually can’t afford it.”

Read the full article here