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Renew Your AAPi Membership Today!

At AAPi, we're not just an association - we're a community that values and champions every psychologist. We're your voice, tirelessly engaging with stakeholders through advocacy, lobbying, submissions, inquiries, working groups, and consultations. We're here to make a difference, and we're here for you.

We know that joining AAPi is a choice, and we deeply appreciate every member who makes that choice. Your support fuels our mission. It enables us to provide valuable resources, advocate for the psychology industry, and foster a community where support, understanding, and acceptance are the norm, not the exception. Thank you for standing with us.

AAPi relies on a mix of funding sources, including membership fees, grants, sponsorships, and partnerships. But at the heart of it all, it's our members who truly fuel our mission. Your membership fees are the lifeblood of AAPi, providing the primary support for our operations.

You, our members, are the heartbeat of AAPi. Your contributions ensure our sustainability and empower us to continue advocating for a fair and robust psychology profession. You're not just members - you're our partners in shaping the future of psychology.

Renew your membership